859.254.0059  |  1132 Winchester Rd, Suite 125, Lexington, KY 40505

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How many times have you awakened from a night's sleep with a stiff neck; wondering how it happened, and what to do about it?  

The sitffness is caused by a knot in your neck muscle; making it difficult to turn your head without painful discomfort.  Of course you know that getting a massage will work out the kink, but odds are you don't have the opportunity for a quick apointment with a massage therapist before work or your morning appointment.  Timing is everything, right?

You can actually massage away the muscle cramp by doing some tissue therapy yourself with these 4 SIMPLE MOVES:

Step 1

Locate the sore spot on your shoulder or upper back by placing your hand on the stiff area where you feel the pain when touched.  Use either your right or left hand — whichever corresponds best to the area.

Stiff Neck?

Try A 60 Second

Quick Fix

2016, October 11

Step 2

Press firmly into the tight knot with your fingers.  If you' re pressing hard enough, you should feel a smarting pain —  this is a good pain that you can tolerate.  If the spot is in a hard to reach area, try using a tennis ball or other prop and just lean against a wall for leverage.

NOTE: Dr. Pelton also offers TheraCane (crook bar), which is a wonderful self aid for tight muscle release and tissue massage.  Contact his office for more info:  859-254-0059.

Step 3

Turn you head slightly in the opposite direction of the cramp, and bend it diagonally, as if trying to reach your armpit with your chin. This will activate the kinked muscle.  By applying pressure, you will relax the kink.

Step 4

Repeat steps 1 through 3 about 15 times in a row.  Afterward, give your neck and upper back a relaxing long stretch.  Dr. Pelton suggessts that you repeat these steps throughout the day to keep your muscle relaxed.